Die Initiative zur Vermeidung
Maßnahmen in der
beruflichen Altenpflege

Artikel Englisch

  • Gottschalk S, Meyer G, Haastert B, Abraham J. Prevention of physical restraints in acute care setting (PROTECT): study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled pilot study. BMJ Open 2023; 13(1):e066291.
  • Abraham J, Bake M, Berger-Höger B, Köpke S, Kupfer R, Meyer G, Möhler R. Process evaluation of a multicomponent intervention to prevent physical restraints in nursing homes (IMPRINT): A mixed methods study. J Adv Nurs 2021; 77: 1465-1477.
  • Abraham J, Hirt J, Kamm F, Möhler R. Interventions to reduce physical restraints in general hospital settings: A scoping review of components and characteristics. J Clin Nurs 2020; 29 (17-18): 3183-3200.
  • Abraham J, Kupfer R, Behncke A, Berger-Höger B, Icks A, Haastert B, Meyer G, Köpke S, Möhler R. Implementation of a multicomponent intervention to prevent physical restraints in nursing homes (IMPRINT): A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial. Int J Nurs Stud 2019; 96: 27-34.
  • Möhler R, Meyer G. Development methods of guidelines and documents with recommendations on physical restraint reduction in nursing homes: a systematic review. BMC Geriatr 2015; 15: 152
  • Abraham J, Möhler R, Henkel A, Kupfer R, Icks A, Dintios CM, Haastert B, Meyer G, Köpke S: Implementation of a multicomponent intervention to prevent physical restraints in nursing home residents (IMPRINT): study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial. BMC Geriatr 2015; 15: 86
  • Hofmann H, Schorro E, Haastert B, Meyer G: Use of physical restraints in nursing homes: a multicentre cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatr 2015; 15:129
  • Möhler R, Meyer G: Attitudes of nurses towards the use of physical restraints in geriatric care: A systematic review of qualitative and quantitative studies. Int J Nurs Stud 2014; 51: 274-88
  • Krüger C, Mayer H, Haastert B, Meyer G: Use of physical restraints in acute hospitals in Germany: a multi-centre cross-sectional study. Int J Nurs Stud 2013; 50: 1599-606
  • Richter T, Meyer G, Möhler R, Köpke S. Psychosocial interventions for reducing antipsychotic medication in care home residents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD008634. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008634.pub2.
  • Trueland J: A bid for freedom. Nurs Stand 2012; 27 (3): 22-23
  • Köpke S, Mühlhauser I, Gerlach A, Haut A, Haastert B, Möhler R, Meyer G: Effect of a Guideline-based Multi-Component Intervention on Use of Physical Restraints in Nursing Homes. A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA 2012; 307: 2177-2184
  • Möhler R, Richter T, Köpke S, Meyer G: Interventions for preventing and reducing the use of physical restraints in long-term geriatric care – a Cochrane review. J Clin Nurs 2012, 21(21-22): 3070-3081
  • Richter T, Mann E, Meyer G, Haastert B, Köpke S: Prevalence of psychotropic medication use among German and Austrian nursing home residents: a comparison of three cohorts. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2012; 13: 187.e7-187.e13
  • Möhler R, Richter T, Köpke S, Meyer G: Interventions for preventing and reducing the use of physical restraints in long-term geriatric care. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011; 2: CD007546
  • Haut A, Kolbe N, Strupeit S, Mayer H, Meyer G: Attitudes of Relatives of Nursing Home Residents Toward Physical Restraints. J Nurs Scholarsh 2010; 42: 448-456
  • Köpke S, Meyer G, Gerlach A, Haut A: Using Evidence-Based Knowledge to Avoid Physical Restraint, in: Rights, Risks and Restraint-Free Care of Older People: Person-Centred Approaches in Health and Social Care. Editor: Rhidian Hughes. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, 2010
  • Hamers JPH, Meyer G, Köpke S, Lindenmann R, Groven R, Huizing AR: Attitudes of Dutch, German and Swiss nursing staff towards physical restraint use in nursing home residents, a cross-sectional study. Int J Nurs Stud 2009; 46: 248-255
  • Haut A, Köpke S, Gerlach A, Mühlhauser I, Haastert B, Meyer G: Evaluation of an evidencebased guidance on the reduction of physical restraints in nursing homes: a cluster-randomised controlled trial (ISRCTN34974819). BMC Geriatr 2009; 9: 42

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